Compression molding magnet
A method of molding in which the molding magnetic material, generally preheated, is first placed in an open, heated. The mold is closed with a top force or plug member, pressure is applied to force the material into contact with all mold areas, while?heat?and?pressure?are maintained until the molding material has cured. The process employs thermosetting?resins?in a partially cured stage,?Compression molding with high cost performance when higher volumes are required?compression molded magnets?are best produced in tens or hundreds of thousands of magnets per production run, with a very low break even point with magnet molding machine.
A higher ratio of magnetic material powder to binder gives higher magnetic performance than the injection molded magnets;
NdFeB, SmCo, Alnico and Ferrite etc can be supported
Hybrid versions as well (e.g. Ferrite+NdFeB) with combined properties
Good tolerances – secondary machining not needed
Low electrical conductivity, low eddy currents
The compression bonding process is limited to simpler shapes such as rectangles, rings, arcs and cylinders. A consistent cross sectional area is required along the pressing direction
Possible tooling charges for production and magnetizing
Typical Applications
Position sensors
Hybrid performance components
Inertial switch
Automobile industry
Sintered Neodymium Hook Magnet Ø42 mm
Magnetic Hook System Ø42 mm
Powerful Sintered NdFeB Hook Magnets Ø40 mm
Sintered NdFeB Hook Magnet Ø38 mm
Mounting Magnetic Hook Supplier Ø36 mm
China Magnetic Hook Manufacturer Ø36 mm
Magnetic Clamping Hook Ø34 mm
Magnetic Hook Assemblies Ø32 mm